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Reservation of Right. Event Management reserves the right to reject, eject, or prohibit any participant or booth representative.


Fire and Safety Regulation. All fire and safety instructions, whether verbal or posted in the facility, must be strictly adhered to at all times.


Attendance. No one under the age of 21 is allowed, no exceptions. No pets allowed.


Security. Event Management will employ security during the course of the event. Event Management, staff, nor the owners of the facility will assume any responsibility for personal property.


Limitation of Liability. Event Management assumes no responsibility for personal property damage or loss, or liability for injury to any attendee, guest, participant or participant’s officers, employees, agents by acts including but not limited to, losses from natural disaster, fire, theft, ordinary negligence, and accidental damage and injury or others except that which may result from the Event Management’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.


Non-Guarantee. Event Management does not guarantee product sales, attendance or booth success.


Compliance with Laws. All participants must comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances.


Event Cancellation. In the event of cancellation due to fire, natural or man-made disasters, strikes, governmental regulations or other causes beyond our control, the booth representative may not hold Event Management, sponsors, staff, or owners of the premises responsible for any loss incurred as a result of cancellation.


No Other Representations. No oral conditions or promises will be honored unless in writing. All agreements have been incorporated into this document and supersede any other representations made by either party.


Insurance. Event Management and the facility are not responsible for loss or damage to exhibitor’s property. In the event the exhibitor desires to have goods, samples and other property brought upon the exhibition premises insured against loss due to any cause, he shall obtain insurance at his own expense.


Amendment to the Rules. Event Management reserves the right to adopt, orally or in writing, any additional rule or regulation, move or remove an exhibit, or take any further action if Event Management deems such action necessary for the good of the event. Said action shall have the same force and authority as though fully incorporated in the agreement herein.


Photo Policy. By attending the Hattiesburg Craft Beer Festival (the “Festival”), you consent to being filmed and or photographed, whereas your image, voice, and likeness may be used by the Festival producers for promotional purposes. Any photography taken at the Festival, whether in digital or analog format, is subject to mandatory, non-exclusive license to the Festival producers for use in Festival promotional purposes. Any artwork or performances sponsored by the Festival or taking place on Festival grounds is also subject to a mandatory, non-exclusive license to Festival producers for use in Festival promotional purposes. No third-party videotaping is allowed



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